Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Thoughts about environmental sustainability

We are thinking about how we address problems caused by climate change.

It is our hope that what is shared will benefit all our trading partners; that ideas contributed will bring about real change in the way we do things.

Your ideas and thoughts could benefit many e.g. discuss problems you are having, issues you are dealing with, solutions you have found etc.

1 comment:

  1. Stephen Thomas30 June 2010 at 06:04

    This is a post to show you what your comments will look like. I have been receiving reports from a lot of our trading partners saying that the heat is unbearable and getting worse each year. Working in extreme heat is very uncomfortable, especially when there are power cuts. The heat has resulted in increased bills for electricity for fans and cooling equipment. When there are power cuts, and where generators are available, fuel is very expensive for cooling and running machinery. Are there alternative sources of power e.g. solar, wind etc.? Please let everyone know the challenges you face and possible solutions.
